
Account: @crypto-baron.testnet

Storage Used
2 kB
Ⓝ Native Account Balance
Ⓝ Validator Stake
Created At
August 09, 2022 at 2:45:44pm
Created By Transaction


Access key added for contract registry.test_oct.testnet: ed25519:F7JW8q1...

with permission to call (get_vesting, create_linear_vesting, create_cliff_vesting, freeze_vesting, unfreeze_vesting, terminate_vesting, change_beneficiary, claim, claim_all, get_vesting_token_id) methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
New key added for crypto-baron.testnet: ed25519:67mGpbG...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract registry.test_oct.testnet: ed25519:DEV2n5x...

with permission to call (get_vesting, create_linear_vesting, create_cliff_vesting, freeze_vesting, unfreeze_vesting, terminate_vesting, change_beneficiary, claim, claim_all, get_vesting_token_id) methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract registry.test_oct.testnet: ed25519:4DCbvNu...

with permission to call (get_vesting, create_linear_vesting, create_cliff_vesting, freeze_vesting, unfreeze_vesting, terminate_vesting, change_beneficiary, claim, claim_all, get_vesting_token_id) methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract registry.test_oct.testnet: ed25519:3e2Y7Je...

with permission to call (get_vesting, create_linear_vesting, create_cliff_vesting, freeze_vesting, unfreeze_vesting, terminate_vesting, change_beneficiary, claim, claim_all, get_vesting_token_id) methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
New key added for crypto-baron.testnet: ed25519:xK8mzHX...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 year ago
Batch Transaction
Succeeded 1 year ago
New account created: crypto-baron.testnet
Transferred 200  to crypto-baron.testnet
New key added for crypto-baron.testnet: ed25519:H1FNbwt...

with full access permission