
Account: @dontbreakmyheart.testnet

Storage Used
3 kB
Ⓝ Native Account Balance
Ⓝ Validator Stake
Ⓝ Balance Profile
Created At
May 01, 2022 at 9:41:48am
Created By Transaction


Access key added for contract dev-1…6832599969: ed25519:AFmGqLU...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 2 years ago
Called method: 'apply_job' in contract: dev-1…6832599969
Succeeded 2 years ago
Called method: 'join_dao' in contract: dev-1…6832599969
Succeeded 2 years ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…6832599969: ed25519:7LWjQ86...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 2 years ago
Called method: 'set_greeting' in contract: learn.thuyngocftu.testnet
Succeeded 2 years ago
Access key added for contract learn.thuyngocftu.testnet: ed25519:7ZVDwLs...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 2 years ago
Access key added for contract zoohelp.testnet: ed25519:HSs7wwF...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 2 years ago
Access key added for contract hi.ns…e6.testnet: ed25519:7mQix3a...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 2 years ago
Access key added for contract zoo_nft.heyhey23.testnet: ed25519:2geH3KV...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 2 years ago
Called method: 'support_project' in contract: dev-1…1428814449
Succeeded 2 years ago