
Account: @sxnaah.testnet

Storage Used
5 kB
Ⓝ Native Account Balance
Ⓝ Validator Stake
Ⓝ Balance Profile
Created At
October 12, 2022 at 1:48:29pm
Created By Transaction


Called method: 'set_newMultipleDiplomas' in contract: dev-1…0052038105
Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:59W3g59...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:BevVX2j...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:7kNEaoG...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:GF5uEK1...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:BdUDT8X...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:BdUDT8X...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:HrWEsxg...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:HdR6fwX...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago
Access key added for contract dev-1…0052038105: ed25519:HdR6fwX...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 year ago